7 Ways to Make Money Online With the Swedish Smorgasbord

By Khate on 6:14 PM

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Have you tried making money online, but failed miserably using the guru's tactics? You are not alone. There is somebody starting a new online business every 11 seconds and MORE than 99% fail. The reason they fail is simple... There is a lot of faulty information out there about the "make money online topic".

In this article I'll give you 7 ways to make money online, and there really is no smorgasbord... It's just a way to make you read this article, because you need it AND I'm Swedish, so I thought it fit in.

Anyway, you really need to listen to what I'm telling you cause it might help you make your first dollar.

Here are my 7 ways to make money:

#1: Get a website and sell something on it that you create. (This is the hardest one). This requires some work and effort in the first few days, or weeks, but once it's up and running there is no end to how much you can earn.

#2: Create a blog and promote it using social bookmarking. This is something I do in a lot of niche markets and know a lot of people who are successful with this type of income.

#3: Sell your information products or ebooks, CDs, DVDs and more on eBay.

#4: Get resale right and start selling the product as your own (very profitable).

#5: Work as a freelancer, writing blogs, copywriting, articles, videos or whatever you are good at.

#6: Start working as an affiliate for ClickBank and start generating sales for other people (by far the easiest).

#7: Do bummarketing and start making money for free. This is really powerful and works for anybody who puts their mind to it.

Those are just some of the many hundreds of ways to make money online. Another one is AdSense and placing ads on a blog, selling adspace and even selling links for authority sites.

All of this can be done relatively easily. It's like they say, "If you can read and open an email account, you can make money online" and it's true.

I've sat across many students experiencing trouble, and having shaky hands, but they still put in the effort and made a lot of money online from learning the secrets of affiliate marketing or selling their own ebooks online.

If this is something you want to do, go lookup experts who know how to make it happen for you. They are everywhere, you just need to know where to look.

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