You may not notice what happen with Google Ad Manager recently. New features have been released. Updated Features and Recent Improvements of Google Ad Manager
Save, schedule, and share reports - With the ability to save, schedule, and share reports, you can now easily save any reports that you frequently run, quickly share your reports with your users or advertisers, and schedule your reports to automatically generate and be shared. Learn more.
Roadblocking - If you have similar creatives from an advertiser and would like them to appear together, now you can with roadblocking. With roadblocking, multiple creatives from the same line item can be synced to serve together on the same page. Learn more.
Free-form targeting - With free-form targeting, you can have thousands of possible targeting values, and no need to define each value ahead of time. When you need to target a specific value, you can simply enter that targeting value into your line item. Learn more.
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